Monday, April 6, 2020


Apparently you do not understand that this is a full blown all encompassing life threatening disaster bearing down on the whole earth. Do you think you can buy your way out of it? Obviously the republicans do. Electric cars will do nothing to mitigate or ameliorate the problem. I would write an article for “Yes” magazine, but they are so Milquetoast that they could not even bear to read what I say. So I will just have to start a magazine called ”Panic Now” just to get people off their complacency. 

Do you really want o leave your children a burned out planet? Maybe you don't believe that this is a burning all inclusive full blown crisis? Or, like too many people I know, you have given up and taken-up religion as an excuse to do nothing [unconsciously?]. Your apathetically hopeless view is self fulfilling.

You could start by reading this book [“This changes everything” available on audio and digital as well as paper] it talks about what the corporate fascists have done to keep us from saving our world and freeing our self's from wage slavery. Then read the rest of my collection of instructional lectures [that I have been working on for 16 years], and ask Google questions; I do not have the internet in my house. It is easy to convert your car to electricity; lots of people are doing it.

Take some responsibility for this deep dog-duty we are in! If you are not willing to fight back against fascism you could at least stop consuming the BS that they sell. They have been fighting to become the dominate beings for longer than you have been alive. Passivity will not balance the economy and it will not make life possible for most people on this planet. Capitalism feeds the 1% only.

This book is about how the imperialist corporate petroleum industry is trying to make climate change invisible by doing everything they can to blame the effects on socialism. The imperialists are already rewriting history to fit their own 'reality grid' scam. Because to admit to the so called 'CLIMATE CHANGE' [environmental life support system collapse] is to admit to not only how their fossil fuels are creating chaos in order to keep us their obsequious groveling wage slaves. But it will also make it harder to make a deal for our future.

She talks about how “Trump” is a brand name and how to disgrace it. Which is about the only thing we can do to fight back against American racist fascism and make a Just and Verdant world by starting a large democratic Co-operative movement like the Evergreen Cooperative Initiative in Cleveland Ohio.

The stock market givith and the stock market taketh away...
If money is printed for banks that “claim” there is a need for more cash, why doesn't the klepto-money-mongers print up enough to create a massive jobs program. It will keep people from loosing faith in the capitalist money illusion, more work energy will go around and people will be happy until all the money gets to the top of the capitalist pyramid again. But if you think computers made productivity go up and wages go down, wait for the robot worker revolution. It looks to me like the money hoarding oligarchy will have to guarantee a minimum income to keep people from annihilating their robotic factories. Or people will just stop buying anything from a capitalist source.

I think there are few choices left:

  • Co-operative businesses. [Create a circular money flow from the ground up and somehow keep it from the money mongers].
  • Explain to people why they must never buy anything from a capitalist corporation. And pass the word about what capitalism really is.
  • Or get ready to live in “Koch-Land” [pronounced “coke”] where everything [schools, libraries, the water supply] is privately owned and run by 'Market-based-Management'! Did anyone say “Soylent Green” ? [the final solution]

The “the National Debt” and “gold standard” are a scams to keep the money out of the hands of the lower classes. Unfortunately the federal reserve is a private corporate bank. If the government wants to produce a work program like the Green New Deal to rebuild our infrastructure, or start circular-profit democratic worker Co-Ops that will make life in Amerika possible, it has to borrow from the bankers. That is why we must start enough democratic worker co-operatives our self's. And know enough facts to argue down anyone that believes what Fox-Hate-News says. It's time to re-evaluate capitalism in a big way.

The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative is working to create living-wage jobs in six low-income neighborhoods.
The initiative was designed to create an economic breakthrough in Cleveland. Rather than a trickle-down strategy, it focuses on economic inclusion and building a local economy from the ground up. Rather than offering public subsidy to induce corporations to bring what are often low-wage jobs into the city, the Evergreen strategy calls for catalyzing new businesses, owned by their employees. Rather than concentrate on workforce training for employment opportunities that are largely unavailable to low-skill and low-income workers, the Evergreen Initiative first creates the jobs, and then recruits and trains local residents to fill them.

These are not your traditional small-scale co-ops,” wrote The Nation, noting the initiative’s large ambitions. The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative remains an important model for healing neglected post-industrial economies in the American heartland. But it’s also part of a larger experiment in alternative wealth-building and wealth-sharing models being considered by stakeholders in the Greater University Circle Initiative.