Saturday, January 18, 2020

Open Source VeloCars

You don't need a 5k Watt motor for this vehicle if you build it as a power assisted bicycle.
A 3kWatt 78 volt motor will do if it has planetary gears built in, and another gear reduction with the belt drive.
To have it registered as a motorcycle you will need a lot of testing.

They won't allow it as a car in this state unless it has four wheels.

If you think you are rich enough to buy a new electric truck, do it. But if you can afford only about three to four thousand $ [over a period of time] you are going to have to build a small EV your self. It took me a few years to build one but I did not have any help. And that much money is not as bad as you think, because if you are paying for gasoline you waste at least that much on toxic pollution that will be destroying your children's future. Each gallon of gasoline, which weighs about 6.3 pounds, produces about 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn't come from the gasoline itself, but the oxygen in the air. When gasoline burns, the carbon and hydrogen separate.
This is why I believe that every neighborhood should build one of the large cycletrucks.

Open Source:
Choosing a Motor:
Sexy Micro Cars:

Affordable Compact VeloCar

Motorcycle tires on VeloCars?:

more info about tilting trikes

more info about tilting trikes:

Exploring the Electrom velocar

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